Three Critical Elements To Consider When Working MRP Assignments
There is no greater challenge we face each and every day than balancing three critical elements when working assignments in the MadSky Managed Repair Program. For contractors it begins and ends with the customer experience, commitment to the core values and the requirements of being a part of the MadSky Managed Repair Program. It is this focus that has continued to drive profitability. This has allowed all of us to soar successfully through this journey. For those of you that have partnered with us, you are to be congratulated, as you are a valuable part of our team. It is our network that has allowed us to grow our partnerships with carriers and ultimately bring more opportunities back to the network.
If you are struggling finding balance in these three areas, here are a few ideas to consider.
First, remember that consistency, communication and cooperation will pay off in the long term. We are here for the long term and our focus on patience and tenacity has been critical to our growth.
Second, realize we are all in this together. Even though distance separates us all, we are connected through a common goal. There will always be challenges but keep in mind that we are working through this together. Now is the time to work as one unit, functioning together. That is what will bring continued success.
Third, we must all realize that anything worth having comes through grind and sacrifice. The opportunity that has been created through MadSky MRP is unlike anything else. Sometimes you will feel that all you are doing is giving with little or no return. Realize that your commitment to our process will create the gain you deserve. Like anything in life, if you are going to “get” something, there is a “give” required. Always keep in mind that you are working through a process that has been proven out and while there may be an occasional setback, ultimately you will win.